Monday, February 7, 2011

Where Is The Love ?

I fear no fate, for you are my fate my sweet,
I want no world, for beautiful you are my world, my true.
And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and
whatever a sun will always sing is you.

Nobody knows what really goes trough me.
No one will ever understand what I feel. The
support I need, I don't always get and that
hurts. There are just two persons on this world
I can depend on; my boyfriend and myself.

There's some things I regret, some words
I wish had gone unsaid, some starts that had
some bitter endings. There's some mistakes
that I have made. Some chances I just threw
away, some roads I never should've taken,
some pages turned, some bridges burned
but there were lessons learned..

cherish the happiness you have; even
when it's not much, because when you
let it go you realize how important that
small part of happiness was.

The truth is still the truth and you can
take it, you can spin it, you can bend it.
But the truth is there's still right and wrong.

It's amazing what you can hide
by just putting on a smile.

Once upon a time prince charming
was swimming across the ocean just
to see his beautiful Cinderella again.

He taught me how to trust myself.
He taught me that I should love every
flaw. He taught me that no matter what
I musn't care what other people think.

everytime those disappointments
everytime those tears run down our face
Will we ever be together!? Because I
stopped believing in it. When are we able
to let the distance go away forever...?

sometimes i come home and i can still smell you on my clothes..
and i can't fall asleep because all i can think of is you.

This love is killing me, but
you're the only one I truly love

It feels like I'm sleeping since the
day we got back together again.
It's all so perfect. It's like a dream,
that I don't wanna wake up from.

I'm still losing what's left from my self-esteem,
and I'm still watching the slow fading of all my dreams.

You make my heart feel
something it's never felt
before. and every time
i see you, i fall in love a
little bit more..

i like the way your lips are so easy to kiss and your
hands are so soft to hold. the way your arms hold me
so perfectly and your body protects me.

you can always say sorry, but the real apology is when
you hear the sadness in his voice and see the look in his eyes.
and you realize that he has hurt himself just as much.

i was in his arms and he was kissing me
and everything was fine. more than fine even.
everything was perfect, just because he loved me.

never forget yesterday.
but always live for today
because you never know
what tomorrow can bring
or what it can take away.

Keep fighting for your lost causes,
you never know when your luck will change..

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