Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Microsoft Releases New Kin Phones

Microsoft Releases New Kin Phones

You have to feel sorry for Microsoft sometimes, what with their continuous effort to come up with a smartphone that can be able to battle it out with other brands out there. The company just launched two new handsets—called the Kin One and Kin Two—based on Microsoft’s mobile operating system, Windows Mobile 7.

The only difference though is that these handsets come also with new interfaces like Facebook, Twitter and newsfeed. Kin One is a petite, rounded device with a 2.1-inch screen while Kin Two is a larger, palm-sized phone with a 3.5-inch display.

Also, the Kin One comes with a 4GB storage, full QWERTY keyboard, QVGA display and 5MP camera with LED flash. On the other hand, Kin Two has 8MP camera, HVGA display, landscape QWERTY keyboard slide and 8GB of internal storage.

Both phones, however, sport an accelerometer, video-recording capability and a hardware keyboard that can slide out from underneath the device. These Kin phones also integrates Microsoft Zune’s digital music service.

The Kin One and Kin Two are expected to start retailing in May from Verizon for a still undisclosed price.

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